50th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington

Howard U students, faculty and staff, marching down to the March on Washington & the Lincoln Memorial.

Marching toward the National Mall: A brother rocks the Howard U alternative spring break t-shirt. Classic.

Passing the Carnegie Library, on the way to march. Numbers have swelled. Over a thousand Howard U students.

In Chinatown: Howard U bringing more & more people into the march.

7th and D streets: Howard U filling the streets. Just sang old SNCC songs. Many more have joined.

Howard U hits the corner of Constitution and 9th. Picking up steam.

Front of Howard U line. 12th & Constitution. Thousands now. No Justice/No Peace!

The Howard School of Law, marching at the front. 21st century social engineers. We will win!

Chief of Police, Leroy James, directing the thousands of marchers, in front of National AfAm Museum.

Thousands of Howard U folks hit the Washington mall. March on!

Howard U passing Washington Monument. Wonder what old George would think?

Howard U makes it to the national mall for the 50th anniversary of the '63 March on Washington. We're here!

Howard U students on point. End stop & frisk. Justice for Trayvon!

Young brothers heading to the reflecting pool. The Red. The Black. And The Green. Conscious and on point.

March on Washington: Intergenerational bonds renewed.

American citizens. Africans all. A beautiful baroque of Blackness, on the National Mall.

Classical African necklace. Classic African American Shirt. Statement American cap.